And then I wanted to get better. So, I decided to find out how to write a great article.
I’m not talking about formal writing: like writing encyclopaedic articles or submitting a dissertation. I’m talking about writing that connects with people’s emotions and makes a real difference.
Creative writing that is real. Writing that can change hearts and minds.
I was always quite good at English, which meant I had to unlearn everything.
Forget everything that your English teacher ever taught you.
Play by the rules of creativity, not formality.
I’m not saying teachers are wrong, I’m saying they aren’t allowed to teach what great writing actually is. The system is stuck in the 1950’s.
Start sentences with and. Start paragraphs with and. Heck, start a whole article with and.
And. But. And. But. And. But. So, what?
Rules are boring. Rules limit the creative, and the conversation between us.
I’m still figuring out how to be a great writer, but to me, writing needs to be all these things…
I always tell a story or more on my personal blog. Writing and reading should be emotional things. I want to connect with you. My only objective with every single article is making you think, ‘no way! I thought only I did stupid things like that! Maybe I’m not that bad after all.’
‘This guy’s an idiot.’
I’m good with either response. I want an emotional reaction. It should stir something inside of you.
I want you to feel good about yourself, and for you to understand that anything is possible if you’re willing to make it so.
If I’m not telling you a story how is anything I say relevant?
This is where 99% of people go wrong. They don’t share any of their truths. How can anyone trust you or relate to anything you have to say if you’re not real with them.
We’re all still children at heart. We want to be told stories. We want to go to bed thinking about fairy tales.
Microsoft Word gets very upset when I write sentences like these:
‘And then bad things might happen.’
‘It depends whether or not you want to be liked.’
Word wants me to use more ‘concise language’ or ‘more descriptive adjectives.’
I don’t want to.
Then it would be boring.
I would no longer be having a conversation with you, I’d be directing. I don’t know enough about anything to be directive towards you. I just write about my own ideas and hope that you can take value.
Word wants me to write:
‘And then terrible things might happen.’
‘It depends whether you want to be liked.’
Urrghh, terrible sounds terrible. Bad is better than terrible, I think. And easier to read (see below). Whether or not is more conversational than just whether.
I want to sound like a child. I want you to be the other kid in the playground having a conversation with me.
Easy to read
Look, this article could be read by a 4th grader:
Because I was good at English I used to think it was clever to use big long words. This is stupid, not smart…
I used to write emails like this:
‘Hi Dick,
Please find attached your quotation as promised for your perusal.
I trust that this to your liking. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need any additional information.
Kind regards,
Matthew Brown’
‘Hey Dick,
I’ve attached your quote for you as we discussed.
I’m sure you’ll have questions. Let me know when you’re free for a chat.
Many thanks,
Be a human. Always.
For humans
Sally who speaks the BS language of business on a Monday, will be downing jaeger bombs on Saturday. Engage with jaeger Sally, it’s her who makes the real decisions.
Now that we’re on the subject, I’m going to tell you one of life’s biggest secrets…
People make decisions based on emotions, not rationality.
Be your readers friend. Understand what drives them. This same rule applies throughout life. The best writers, salespeople, businesspeople, friends to talk to, all understand what you want.
Then they speak that language.
Why does writing matter?
Because communication is everything. Whether it’s video, audio, or written word, communication is the reason that anything happens.
And in the modern digital world, you need to tell your story.
Your ‘personal brand’ is important. It’s your business card, your CV, your identity, and your credential. It shows the world who you are and what you’re about.
A picture says a thousand words is the biggest load of BS ever. I would say that as a writer, but it’s just true…
Do you buy a holiday, a house, a t-shirt, a pen, food, or anything just by looking at photos? I don’t. The words tell me a hell of a lot more than the pictures, or at least I want them to.
Look at Instagram as another example, it’s awash with pictures overlaid with text. Motivational quotes, funny quotes, and written messages are huge on the platform. A platform dedicated to pictures!
Why do we listen to commentary while watching sports? Why do we talk to each other?
Words matter.
And then it was the end.
-Matthew Brown, director
I hope you liked and took value from this one! If you have any writing questions you can ask me on Quora or Twitter!
And if you need any writing services for your business, please check out what we do. Peace.