As humans, we’re wired to connect with stories. From ancient myths to modern-day movies and tales you hear down the pub, stories have the power to captivate our imaginations and evoke strong emotions.
Copywriting is writing to persuade the reader to take a specific action, such as buying your product, making an enquiry, or signing up to your mailing list. These actions require positive emotional responses to your copywriting, which is why weaving stories through your words is a powerful strategy.
Storytelling in copywriting helps you connect with your customers on a deeper level to drive more results. In this article we’ll explore the importance of storytelling in copywriting in more detail and provide some tips on how to tell compelling stories that sell.
Why storytelling works in copywriting
Stories are engaging, memorable and above all, interesting. They can help any business stand out in the market. Think about when you get together with friends, when is everyone most engaged in a conversation? When someone is telling a story, not during generic chatter.
It’s the same when it comes to people consuming the words on your page. Whether that’s online or in print.
When storytelling in copywriting is most important
Whatever your organisation, you should look to use storytelling in your copywriting, but for some organisations it becomes even more important if you want to be successful.
Boring products
Selling ‘boring’ products can make for great businesses, especially if you can stand out in the crowd. It could be a window cleaning company, a local skip hire firm, or bottled water. Of course, everyone’s version of boring is different but the point is: If it’s very difficult for you to differentiate your products from your competitors, storytelling in your marketing is the way to go to get that all important edge on the competition.
New innovations
If you’ve created something that’s going to fundamentally alter consumer behaviour in your industry, you need to use storytelling to educate your target audience and compel them to try out your new thing. Stories, just like engaging straplines or catchy marketing songs, can help you to engage new customers. Not only that, when done right you can create fans of your brand. Fans will do your selling for you!
New businesses
If you’re launching a new company in a competitive industry you’re already at a disadvantage to established competitors. If you want to ‘disrupt’ the market and get out of the blocks fast, effective storytelling will be an important part of your marketing strategy. What you may lack in experience, customers and rave reviews, you can make up for with a compelling brand story.
How to tell compelling stories in copywriting
Now the all-important how to…
It’s easy to see why stories are so powerful in copywriting and marketing communications in general, but where do you start?
Know your business and its personality
If your business was a person, what would it be like? Funny, witty, sarcastic, blunt, quiet, geeky, technical, authoritarian?
Draw an avatar of a person and plot how you want your business to come across on top of it.
Know your target audience
Do the same for your target customers. Know who you’re talking to inside out.
You need to know exactly who these people are if you want your story to resonate with them. What’s their personality? What are their biggest problems that you’re solving? How can you make their life better? What part of your story do you want them to take on board and love as much as you do?
Focus on the benefits
While your story may be fascinating, it’s important to remember that your audience is ultimately interested in how your product or service can benefit them. Make sure your story highlights the benefits of your product or service in a way that is relevant and compelling to your audience.
Keep it simple
A good story doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, the simpler the story the more memorable it is likely to be. Focus on telling a clear and concise story that your audience can easily understand and remember.
Make it authentic
Authenticity is key when it comes to storytelling. Don’t try to fabricate a story that isn’t true. Build trust with your audience and create a strong brand identity at the same time.
Pack it with personality
Don’t be boring!
When to get help telling your story
Developing your story isn’t easy. There’s a lot of considerations and you want to get it right first time. Often it can be hard to see the wood for the trees when you’re ingrained in your day-to-day activities.
It’s easy to get into the trap of just plodding along to the point where you don’t really know what your business’ identity is anymore. If you feel bereft of any kind of creative thinking, or you want the help of a professional copywriter or marketer, find a company that can help. It will be worth the investment.
Talk to us
If you want to discuss how we can help with telling your story, get in touch! We can help with both consultancy and the creative. Email me –
Matthew Brown
Pearson Brown – your story, expertly told.